Importance Medium of Instruction in Today’s world


The mother tongue of a person is the language he or she has spoken since childhood. It is the person's only and first language. As a result, it is the most familiar mode of communication for a person. Despite the fact that this is not the case, familiarity can be used to give education. In schools all around the world, we have either a dominant commercial language or a colonial language being used as the medium of instruction. This is also true in India, where English is becoming more widely used as a school language. As a result, Indian students are denied the benefits of receiving an education in their mother tongue. However, with the backing of the National Education Policy 2020, this has already been solved.

Benefits of Medium of Instruction

1.     A child understands his mother tongue and hence if he/she is instructed in that language itself, his transition to school education is smooth and easy. Even UNESCO recommends that pupils learn to read and write in their home tongue throughout the early years of elementary school, as well as be introduced to early mathematical concepts and other academic subjects. 

2.     Children who are educated in their mother language will benefit from a strong home-school partnership in their education. 

3.     It will also aid primary school teachers, as many of them struggle to communicate in English and hence are unable to impart as much knowledge as they would like, resulting in a knowledge deficit. 

4.     This would help children understand the syllabus by bringing the material of textbooks closer to them. 

5.     Students will gain a deeper understanding of their cultural background through education in their mother tongue. As a result, he/she can develop in life while keeping his/her roots intact.

The National Education Policy, 2020, is a step in the right direction, and if followed in its whole, will improve students' learning capacity and make education a more holistic experience, while also addressing the problem of school dropouts.

The medium of instruction and online transcripts also serve as proof of documentation for further review. It's a document produced by your institution that verifies the validity of a certain medium from which you studied.MOI is frequently requested or referred by UK NARIC, which is now known as UK ENIC and is administered by ECCTIS. Indian universities create this document, which highlights the students' preferred medium of study as well as other pertinent information, and send it to the appropriate universities.


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